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Free Philosophy eBook: Moon Barrier The Moon Barrier Moon Were Plato and Aristotle right about life? In December 2023, Iran sent a biocapsule with unidentified animals into space. Would Iran be the first country in the world to scientifically test the sublunary theory of Plato and Aristotle? Instead of attempting to escape the Earth, humanity might better invest in protecting the Earth and potentially also the 🌞 Sun as the source of life. Free Download

SUR-RON Models 2024

SUR-RON is an electric motorcycle manufacturer from Chongqing, China that was founded in 2014 by three motorcycle and tech enthusiasts with industry-leading expertise in system engineering, vehicle design, product development, and manufacturing.


Chongqing, known as the motorcycle capital of China, has a rich history in the automotive industry dating back to the 1950s. The city has been at the forefront of China's rapid industrialization and has become a global hub for vehicle manufacturing, with a thriving ecosystem of suppliers, skilled labor, and advanced infrastructure.

SUR-RON leverages Chongqing's automotive prowess to push the boundaries of electric motorcycle technology. The company is a pioneer in robotization, with over 50% of its manufacturing processes automated using state-of-the-art robotic systems.

sur ron red dot award

In March 2018, SUR-RON launched its first model, the Light Bee X, a lightweight electric dirt bike. By August 2022, the company had grown to over 100 employees and became a global leading brand in electric mopeds for a young generation. The company won many international awards, including the prestigious Red Dot design award.


American Seller

Sur-Ron USA 100 Thorne CtFolsom95630🇺🇸 United States


虬龙科技: Surron No. 2 Longzhou Road, Langu Science and Technology Park, Building 1, Room 105-107Hangzhou🇨🇳 China
Phone+86 139 9606 2355

2024 Model Overview

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Sur-Ron Ultra Bee sur ron ultra bee $6,499.00 / 87 miles Sur-Ron Storm Bee sur ron storm bee $8,499.00 / 62.1 miles Sur-Ron Light Bee S Youth sur ron light bee youth s $2,970.00 / 40.4 miles Sur-Ron Light Bee X sur ron light bee x $4,400.00 / 62.1 miles

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